Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Focus Group Feedback on Chosen Track

As part of my research into producing my own music video for our chosen track, we decided to interview a Focus Group for ideas and feedback. The feedback we've received from the focus group will be helpful in generating ideas for our music video in terms of Location, Mise En Scene, Intertextuality and Narrative.
I have uploaded the video of our interview with our focus group which can be viewed below:

We asked our respondents a series of questions, based upon those questions, the responses will be listed below. We asked a total of 5 questions.

1) How does the music make you feel?

The response we received from our respondents is that two of them found that the music made them feel happy and 'uplifted' their moods. After asking them to elaborate and explain why they felt this, their response was that the lyrics were humorous and quite random. The third respondent explained that there is a meaning behind the lyrics, although he wasn't a fan of this genre, he did enjoy listening to our chosen track.

2) What do you imagine when listening to this track?

One of our respondents explained that the music helped him to 'escape' from the everyday routine he went through, his reason for this was that the randomness of the lyrics helped him feel free alongside the fast tempo beat used. Another respondent explained that the music helped him imagine someone walking down the streets of Central London, this idea was similar to another music video of an artist called 'The Streets'.

3) What Genre do you think the movie is?

Our respondents all came up with the same answers which were 'Indie'. This was the correct answer as our chosen music track is an Indie track.

4) What do you think the artist would wear?

Our first respondent said that he thought the artist would be wearing something along the lines of skinny jeans, vans and a t shirt, however the rest of our respondents disagreed stating that they thought the artist would be wearing casual baggy clothes due to the mood the music creates which is a laid-back and relaxed mood.

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