Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Pitch for Selection of Song

In today's lesson, our teacher went through each track that we have been given to choose for our final coursework piece. There was a total of 21 tracks written to a CD that were played out to us, we decided to choose track number 20 as we liked the beat of the tune and the flow of the lyrics. We were given a total of 5 minutes to compose our pitch as to why we wanted to select the track that we chose, below I have written out a verbal version of our speech.

Pitching For a Song

We chose to pitch for track 20, as we felt that we can perform best to this track and the flow of the lyrics was within our abilities to lipsynch to. After hearing this track, instantly ideas were flowing through my head for possible ideas for our version of the music video for it. As a result of this, I felt that this was the right song for us to make our music video for. 

The artist of this song is 'Lupe Fiasco', we figured this out as at the start of the track the artist introduced himself. I am also a fan of Lupe Fiasco, from being a fan I managed identify his voice and from there I identified the artist.

Representation for the artist will be carried out in many ways through clothing, for example Hip Hop artists tend to wear a lot of jewelry and wear baggy jeans and colourful clothing. From previous analysis of Hip Hop music videos, we will be using similar conventions in order to represent the genre of the music track we've picked.


The lyrics of the music track that we have picked narrates the interest of skateboarding, in particular the lyric 'Kick, Push, Kick, Push' throughout the chorus narrates the movement of skateboarding. Therefore, we are considering to include aspects of skateboarding throughout the filming of our music video.

Mise En Scene:

After having a discussion on the idea of a location for the filming of our music video, it was decided that we would film our music video in a Skateboard Park. This was decided as this location would contribute to the narrative of our music video along with the music.

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